Thursday, May 29, 2008

Infected Central Line?

While I was at my routine checkup with my Lyme disease doctor today, she expressed concern that my mediport might be infected. If it is infected, I am at risk for sepsis, or a full body infection. She suspects that it is infected because I have symptoms of an acute infection in addition to night sweats. I know my body and I really think that I just have the bad cold that is going around. Wouldn't I feel terrible if my central line was infected? Wouldn't I have redness or some indication of infection around the site of the mediport? I do trust my doctor so I have to take the precautionary steps in case my line is infected. She prescribed the IV antibiotic Vancomyacin so I am currently at the infusion center watching it drip into my veins. I hope that it doesn't make me feel awful! I have heard that this antibiotic can cause negative reactions also. I am scared that the Vanco will kill more of the Lyme and do it too quickly and I will have a herx reaction. I will keep my fingers crossed that my line is not infected and that the Vanco does not make my symptoms worse.