Friday, February 29, 2008

Packing for the Weekend

I am leaving today for Portland, OR for a weekend trip. My husband and I are going to visit my college girlfriends. It is amazing that I can be 80% sure that I will feel well enough to get on the plane. For many years, I had to cancel trips the day that I was supposed to leave because I was too weak to travel. I can tell that my energy is improving because I actually make it to most of the places that I plan on visiting. The frustrating part of traveling with a chronic illness is that I have to bring all of my prescription drugs and supplements with me. That idea probably sounds like no big deal but when you take 14 prescription drugs, some of which are shots and IVs, the act of packing turns into an ordeal. I am only going away for two nights but I have been organizing my drugs for over two days now. I have to make sure that they have all been refilled so that I do not run out of them over the weekend. I have to pack them with the original prescriptions so that they do not get taken away from me at airport security. I can't believe how many hours it takes me just to pack all of my drugs. I am jealous that my husband can pack for our weekend trip in 15 minutes. I have been making lists about what I will need for this trip for over a week. I forgot to mention that I have to go to the store to buy more protein bars and glucose tablets just to ensure that I do not collapse due to hypoglycemia on the trip. The act of packing becomes more like the act of organizing in my head. Once I get all of my drugs organized, I feel like the extra work was completely worth it. I am just thankful to feel well enough to travel. I just wish that my life could be easier.