Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Back Injury-Good Move

Maybe injuring my back was a blessing. Since I can barley move, I have been forced to stay on the couch all day. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about Lyme disease. I am getting used to the idea that I probably never had CFS and that I have had Lyme disease for seven years. Lyme disease is more treatable than CFS but it is also a more serious disease. I read in the doctor's office and in my own research that I can pass it on to my child. Wow, that information is scary. I am used to the idea that CFS patients have healthy babies. It is a very good thing that I now know that I have Lyme because I am planning on trying to have a baby in the next few years. I need to learn more about Lyme and pregnancy. Some of the literature says that women with Lyme can never breastfeed because the Lyme bacteria pass into breast milk.
The more I learn about Lyme disease, the more I am accepting that I have it. I have so many of the weird symptoms like sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to light, clumsiness to the point of dropping things, and worsening of my symptoms during my menstrual period.